
Wednesday 9 March 2016

Mid-week storm hits the Western Approaches.

Shipping forecast Plymouth:

  • Wind

    Northerly or northwesterly 7 to severe gale 9, increasing storm 10 for a time, decreasing 5 or 6 later.
  • Sea State

    Rough or very rough, occasionally high.
  • Weather

    Occasional rain.
  • Visibility

    Moderate, occasionally poor.

Three beasm trawlers for this morning's market as storm force 10 winds push in a few more boats...

like the netter Britannia...

and the beam trawler Resurgam...

being landed by young Roger...

while inside the market the buyers are busy...

bidding on top drawer fish like these red mullet...



tub gurnard...

and John Dory from the Algrie...

with many of the fleet in prices should be good to cover the expected shortfall...

 two shades of Dover sole...

the mackerel boats were able to fill their boots yesterday...

shore ropes held tight in the strong gusts...

up on the slip for her survey prior to being sold away, the ex-Crystal Sea II is now sporting her new numbers, UL109...

all eyes will be on the No14 shirt in the England team this Saturday as @Nowellsey15 runs out for his country against Wales at Twickenham...

strong clouds over the harbour.