
Thursday 17 March 2016

Hake-hustling Irish skipper Alan makes it home in time for St Patrick's day.

Evidence of just how much fish there are swimming in the Western Approaches, after one day at sea the netter Ajax, one of twelve MSC Certified Cornish hake boats returns to Newlyn with 300 boxes of hake on board having shot two-thirds of her complement of nets...

all set to land...

for the big Belgian beam trawler, Francine it is time to overhaul her huge trawls...

this was the afterdeck three crew members were dramatically airlifted from the Francine the other day after they were overcome with fumes when their coffee machine caught fire, seems Belgian coffee is as strong as their beer...

the guys on the deck are happy in their work...

with plenty still to do before they can set sail again.