
Friday 11 March 2016

Fine #FishyFriday all set for the weekend.

Mornings don't come much better than this, Spring is springing today for sure...

so Nigel and the boys on the Innisfallen will be looking to catch...

a few of these...

look mum, no gloves...

that wry smile tells you the bidding is keen on this morning's auction...

especially for top quality fish like these monk tails...

soon to be whisked away...

along with plenty of ray...

and good landings of mackerel, though 30p per kilo for small won't pay too many bills this week after the handliners have had a pretty hard time of it over the last two months...

pristine pollack always go down well with the buyers...

all set to go...

the big netters all have to wait for this big spring tide to pass...

this pot has been on the seabed for some time...

not so the old cod end...

Jeremy makes his way out through the gaps...

while all the gear is going back aboard the Trevessa...

high water and these guys are going nowhere just yet...

while on the end of the quay a badly damaged trawl from the Elisabeth Veronique who has been working to the "Easta'rd" - ie off Plymouth for lemons...

awaits the attention of one of the port's most experienced inshore skippers...

as a different net for working local grounds off the Scillys...

 is wound on the net drum...

at high water...

Celtic cousins...

guess which one is Breton...

and which one Cornish...

talking of Celtic, the Celtic Pride is in Newlyn...

showing her netter's stern...

the woodwork on the Gallilee is nearing completion, just the planks and rail to complete the job.