
Thursday 24 March 2016

Eggceptionally fresh fish on the last market before Easter.

Busy enough market this morning with a mix of beam and inshore trawl along with gill net and handline fish on the market...

perfect for family feeds, whiting make great fuss-free fillets...

while the Imogen III's Dovers are sure to delight...

or maybe some lush lemons from Tom on the Harvest Reaper...

or a few of the Lisa's jolly John Dory...

there would have been some huge monk cheeks on this guy, maybe the guys eat them for breakfast?...

plenty more where they came from...

glistening example of the freshest ray...

and that oh-so-miserable fish the turbot...

row after row...

of the finest MSC Certified Cornish hake...

and just the one solitary bream...

more than enough to keep Edwin and the other buyers ...

eggstatic over the chance to buy such great fish...

the boat that put the red in red gurnard...

all in the name...

forklifts do battle first thing...

miniature Jackson Pollacks...

and nature's answer to the same genre...

cracking whiting...

the first week for the inshore guys to get their pots in the water after the winter storms have passed...

and head out to sea...

taking it easy on the tug Tactow...

even the boat's bike is in corporate colours...

local twitchers hot on the trail of a Glaucus gull in the harbour...

little and large...

the 43m Belgian beam trawler Jasmine...

heads back out to sea past the long lens of the twitchers...

and drops her derricks...

as she passes the Mount...

looks like there is need of some serious amounts of electricity down on the deck of the boat...

as the new gantry is built...

back to more traditional wood on the Galilee...

might make a great fish restaurant?