
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Budget for family fish today!

Beam trawl fish for the market this morning...

monk tails, enough to put a smile on anyone's face...

or opt for red mullet...

they all go down in the sales book...

Dover soles for that special dish...

spot the odd one out...

won't be long before the scallop season proper starts...

and this goatee bearded fish is...

handline mackerel - fish don't come more responsibly caught than these little beauties...

looking down the jaws of the mighty turbot...

there's a good selection of ray on the market this morning...

everybody loves a clipboard...

there's more than a steak or two ready to be portioned up on this fine turbot from the  Lisa...

plaice, not so fashionable but still a tasty fish, in Victorian times over 30 million of these fish passed through Billingsgate to feed the poor - probably the (unwarranted) reason they are viewed with a degree of disdain by some...

those cuttles continue to leave their mark...

a three legged yacht...

bound away for the pollack...

as Cornish as you can get...

one way to keep the gulls at bay...

making for the gaps...

the Bonnie Grace heads out to sea...

while off the light...

the mackerel men are in action drifting with the tide...

one more day on the slip...

flying the flag for St Piran.