
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Wednesday and all is well in the world of quality Cornish fish.

Suited and booted...

Nathan shares a few of his hand-jive moves with one of the visiting FalFish team...

Dover soles to the left, and three boxes of megrim soles to the right - the sum total of megrims for the Lisa Jacqueline's trip - showing the difference between fishing grounds - megrim soles are caught in much bigger quantities off to the south and west...

pristine fish as ever from the fishroom of the Lisa...

and it looks like she has steamed back out 'up channel' again to chase those Dovers...

dance moves over, Nathan gets to talk through the full range of fish on the market...

quality from the inshore trawlers like the Harvest Reaper...

the Ajax landed a good shot of blackjacks...

with their blood-red gills in stark contrast to the white underbelly...

big, beautiful turbot from the Lisa...

Lionel is still subject to agoraphobic tendencies from the safe confines of his beloved fish market

'all hail the hake' as Phil would say, one of the ocean's great predators...

this time, a good few of them succumbed to the nets of the Ajax...

Ian would appear to have it all under control this morning.