
Monday 1 February 2016

"They call it Stormy Monday, but Tuesdays' just the same"

It's dark and dismal outside but with some fish on the market the buyers are looking more cheerful this morning...

though the mix of fish is fairly restricted as the only boats to land any quantity are two of the big netters and their whitefish trips of blackjacks...

even a few big huss...

enough to concentrate the minds...

of an attentive audience...

these guys will go for top dollar this morning...

ID this fish...

a box of pouting gets the Cefas treatment...

that cod is longer then a 7st (45Kg) bpx...

with its huge gill plates and gills needed to get as much O2 in its circulatory system as possible...

the Govenek of Ladram had fished in the Bristol Channel for these fish alongside the Joy and Karen of Ladram...

all set for tomorrow's auction...

an entire fleet in a box...

Crystal Sea II ready to land...

let's hope she stays put for a good while yet...

And to end this morning on a high note, before the weather blows all the fleet back in again - probably the best version of this blues standard, from 1965 - one for you Gibson fans - a triple pickup Black Beauty at its best in the hands of God.