
Saturday 27 February 2016

Saturday and it's one Nowell in Newlyn & one @Nowellsy15 in Twickers!

Beam trawler action in the port today with the Twilight III on the slip...

and Don's Filadelfia with her gear up...

for overhaul sporting a Cornish flag on the front and sides of the wheelhouse...

while Peter on the Cornishman raises the starboard side trawl...

the fuel man cometh...

as the two huge trawls are checked for worn shackles and chain links...

with her smaller, lighter gear the Nowells beamer Karen readies herself for the next trip, with many of the family up at Twickenham today...

for sure the guys will all be glued to those big TV screens in the Swordfish and Dolphin later this afternoon...

the bigger the boat the bigger the windage, without spring ropes the Jacoba is being blown well off the quay...

meanwhile the other member of the Nowel family fleet, the Imogen III...

is having a new trawl rigged on the quayside...

from the cod-end rope...

to the wing-end headrope floats...

further down the quay the ports biggest gillnetter with skipper 'hail the hake' Mitchell sporting his new Russian headgear...

 is busy landing another top trip of hake...

another pile of lost gear - and no evidence of ghost fishing - is waiting on the quay to be picked up...

all set for another trip on the Crystal Sea II with the new boat due to be brought down from Scotland only a few weeks away...

all three gigs out training in the blustery conditions in the harbour this morning practice their starts...

small beer for a hardened boat and crew like the Britannia V...

one mile away the bottom of the Jubilee Pool is slowly being made ready for filling with a new concrete base...

a modern power unit fully rebuilt by Penzance Marine...

fancy a job?, the crabber Emma Louise is looking for a skipper ...

just  a few more weeks and the Scillonian III will be back on her regular run to the Scillys.