
Tuesday 16 February 2016

Newlyn Fish Festival makes a £10,000 donation to the FishMish!

Newlyn Fishermen's Mission is £10,000 better off today after Kevin Bennets, director of the Newlyn Fish Festival team handed over a cheque to a grateful mission superintendent, Keith Dixon.

From L-R, Keith Dickson, John Lander, Elisabeth Bolitho, Steve Ryman, Leah Hartwell, Janette Eathorne, Andy Wheeler, Kevin Bennets and Julian Waring.

Celebrated in proper job Cornish style with a pasty and jam with clotted cream scones in the new Fish Festival headquarters... 

the donation has come at a time when a run of poor weather has undoubtedly made the lives of some fishing families, especially those working smaller boats from remote coves and harbours even more difficult.  Although the 'FishMish' still has an office and of course the Memorial Chapel in the old mission building Keith and his team are now free to spend more of their time out in the community talking and serving more closely with fishing families in their homes.

In the next few days Mission skipper Keith will launch a Twitter news service that will inform anyone who needs to know when and where the team will be as they make their regular round of port calls throughout Cornwall.