
Monday 8 February 2016

Good morning Irene, Good morning!

Four big beam trawlers and three netter put ashore the bulk of fish...

 on this Monday morning's market in Newlyn...

as storm Irene blew her way through the side doors...

blowing cold air over the Dover...

and lemon soles...


big turbot...

on a crowded market floor...

with just a few tubs of cuttles from the Sapphire II...

while at the western end of the market the net boats had plenty of fish to keep the porters...

and buyers busy...

bidding on the biggest and best fish of its kind...

to be had in the south west...

thereby hangs a tail, name this fish...

more tails this time from the monkfish...

big mesh in the nets also means bigger fish...

and the most sustainable of these are our very own MSC Certified Cornish Hake...

from the Ajax this morning...

throw in a few big tub gurnards...

all of the fleet are now in port so there won't be much in the way of fish for a few days again...

while Irene blows through the port...

no doubt the Nowell family all enjoyed their son's epic performance for England over the weekend, especially as young @Nowellsy15 scored yet another try for England to help win back the Calcutta Cup...

he even helped sports photographer Dan Mullen win Getty Images Sports Photo of the Year Award!...

away out to sea at the Sevenstones lightship the wind has been gusting up to 50 knots...

and the average wave height has now crept up to over 30 feet...

while a few dodging in the lee of the land off the Helford, half a dozen French trawlers are toughing it out still fishing.