
Wednesday 27 January 2016

Wild, wet 'n windy weather on Wednesday.

Suited and booted, Falfish take to the market floor...

along with that merry band of merchants that make Newlyn the country's finest fish port...

there's fish for all...

including the incorrigible conger...

raucous ray...

as Nathan illustrates the finer points of crab conversation...

this fine specimen of an octopus has Chelsea written all over it...

while these mini monk tails makes tasty morsels...

the FalFish crew get a closer look at a John Dory or St Pierre as it is known in France...

JDs aren't the only fish with big 'thumbprint' marks on them, Cuckoo ray have a similar mark although much better defined, each is unique...

octopus of the type more commonly landed in these waters...

consider yourself brilliant if you can ID this fish...

the taking care of  business look...

the wild, wet 'n windy weather this Wednesday has blown all the boats back to port...

including the Plymouth based beam trawler Admiral Gordon...

from l-r, three distinctive bows, Scottish, French and Cornish...

the weather is so bad even the St Piran has had to suspend patrolling the waters around the coastline...

a fleet of nets from one of the port's smallest netters...

and the moneybag end of a beam trawl...

possibly not an alien encounter...

the colour of gold in Newlyn is black for some...

while Tom gets a good washing form the west again...

as does anyone walking near the promenade.