
Saturday 23 January 2016

Saturday scenes

Heading back in, the Billy Rowney...

makes for the gaps of Newlyn Harbour...

as skipper Peter unleashes the night's work...

a 5 ton haul of herring...

easily identifiable with their upturned noses...

the ring netter Asthore was built for the job...

the fish are brailled from the tanks on the boat...

filled with iced water...

to keep the fish in top condition...

before they are offloaded...

into the insulated tubs, also full of iced water...

the harbour is host to more than just a fishing fleet, Saturday mornings sees some of the gig teams out practising while it is too choppy to head for the Bay with a crew of novices...

flying the flag...

for Cornish herring this morning...

with a fly-by from the expectant gull population out looking for breakfast...

back home at the end of her trip, having landed in France, the gill netter Stelissa...

major work is needed aboard the Trevessa IV so it is time to clear the decks...

the decommissioned Excellent, still looking for a home to go to, latest suggestion is to turn her upside down and make her into a meeting-place-come-cafe for fishermen to replace the now closed Mission cafe...

lost cargo Vanish bottles appear to be appearing everywhere!..

the last of the Stevenson trawlers, the Cathryn and a big sister astern...

in the pink...

she would make an 'Excellent' Cafe!