
Monday 18 January 2016

Manic Monday morning!

Every available space used for the fish auction this morning...

as representatives from every sector of the fleet landed to the market over the weekend...

enough to keep Cefas busy logging fish...

these boots were made for selling...

inshore haddock...

even one of the beamers snagged a few bass...

and brill...

while the Shiralee put ashore a solid landing of rays...

born and bred...

conger keeping an eye on things...

surveying his domain...

while receiving a 'doffing of the cap' from one of the buyers...

the quantity and quality of hand line caught fish continues to grow on the market...

"if you want to get a hat, get a head, if you want to get ahead, get a hat"...

in the black...

it is that time of year again...

big ling also provide big roes...

hail the hake...

and pollack too...

mackerel keep showing up...

for the buyers to bid for...

as the fish are quickly taken form the market floor...

including some of the most favoured species...

all smiles from Roger, or is it Ian? ;-) ...

heading for the processors...

the Joy of  Ladram alongside...

 a packed market...

decks cleared and washed down all set to sail again...

a netter's gear stacked on the quay.