
Monday 25 January 2016

"Horror images for the fisherman" - the LO in action.

The discards ban has kicked in for all fishermen - not just in the UK - here small Dover soles landed at Den Helder in Holland are died red to prevent them from entering the market for human consumption and hence to a landfill - if they were fed back to the sea as would happen under normal circumstances they would at least enter the food chain again.

Translated by Google:

Fishermen would like to see these fish grow to undersized fish and reproduce. By feeding them and destroy is the future of fishermen at risk. Fishermen do everything possible to fish in a sustainable manner and are open to innovation. But this arrangement is unsaleable to fishermen and the rest of the world. There is a " temporary " solution , which allow the supply of discards now is fortunately limited . Fishermen therefore hope for an even better solution .