
Friday 8 January 2016

First #FishyFriday of 2016!


one beam trawler, two netters and a handful of day boats made landings for this morning's market...

giving Cefas a chance to collect more data...

buying is a serious business with fish in short supply around the ports of Europe...

so prime fish like these Dover soles from the Cornishman are sure to make good money...

as are these bass...

and other line caught fish like this red bream...

and more bass!...

the year's first decent shot of hake form the Karen of Ladram and the Ajax should make good money too...

while this big shot of cuttles...

from the Cornishman will keep Falfish in the black...

after taking ice it is time for the Ajax to sail for the second trip of the tide - remember gillnetters are restricted to fishing over neap tides when the nets can fish properly...

with the moon still bright in the morning sky...

the Ajax heads back out to sea.