
Friday 15 January 2016

Bugaled Breizh - 15th January 2004.

MFV Bugaled Breizh was a French trawler from LoctudyFinistère, whose sinking with all hands on 15 January 2004 remains unresolved. While it appears likely that the ship was pulled under by a submarine, a specific submarine could not be identified as a number of submarines of several nations were in the vicinity of the accident site.

The motorized fishing vessel (MFV) was built in 1986 by the Bretagne Sud shipyard in Belz.[1] Bugaled Breizh (Children of Brittany) capsized with five crew about 14 nautical miles (26 km) southwest of Lizard Point, Cornwall on 15 January 2004 at 12h25 UTC. The ship briefly radioed that it was sinking, and disappeared apparently very quickly in good weather conditions; only two bodies of the five sailors were recovered at the time, while a third body was recovered on 10 July 2004 during salvage operations.[2]

Bugaled Breizh website for the whole story.