
Wednesday 16 December 2015

The day after the night before.

Fishermen throughout the south west woke up this morning to good and bad and in some case very bad news after this year's marathon round of fish quota recommendations form the Fisheries council in Brussels. Fish on the market this morning included lemon soles..

red gurnards...






hake from the...

netter Britannia V...

and bass - the fish that will not be seen on the market after Christmas until March when the complete moratorium on catching bass ends for both leisure and commercial fishermen...

this will keep the buyers short of crucial quality fish sourced locally and force the consumer to try farmed bass, mainly form Greece...

meanwhile down the quay fuel speeds its way to the beam trawler Sapphire II...

while the Crystal Sea II contemplates the disastrous news that the TAC for haddock in the south west has been slashed again by 15% - which given the fact that their is more haddock on the grounds than there has ever been seems entirely at odds with the evidence on the grounds - particularly galling for skipper David and crew on a boat that has just been heralded in Brussels as a fishing champion for their work in fishing most efficiently - see Gearing Up For Change...

the crab boat Emma Louise will not be affected by the current quota talks...

while the Silver Dawn is now back in town after working form France after her refit...

as her owner young Mr Hosking speeds down the quay with the news that the boat's...

propeller complete with ID...

is waiting for the boat to go on the slip at high water to be fitted later today...

in the net shed there is no end in sight of the work replenishing and replacing gear - this is just one net from a fleet 100km long.