
Friday 11 December 2015

Some Fishy Friends visit Newlyn for the first time on #FishyFriday!

A few hours after the last photo and the market if full of fish buyers...

as the auction swings into action...

with 'ansome 'ake from the Ajax...

and the all "Hail the Hake" boys from the Govenek of Ladram...

along with some big flatfish like this huge turbot from the beam trawler Billy Rowney...

name that mystery fishermen...

as things get clearer...

its good to see the hake netter skipper hasn't lost his touch 'picking out' fish from the net...

meeting for the first time on the market for round one of the England fish auction heavyweight championship, in the left hand corner top Newlyn auctioneer Ian Oliver faces up to Brixham's very own @bazilyo ...

at the ringside...

the two go head-to-head in round one it's paper & pencil vs electronics...

on another stunning morning...

as the last of the fish, still all alive grey mullet 

get the Ryan auction treatment...

as the man from Galilee sets his mizzen sail ready for another day at the office...

the sky promises a little more settled weather...

......... for a few hours at least!