
Monday 14 December 2015

Monday morning and it's not just the market that's busy!

One of the hardiest girls in the port, crabber Harriet Eve rolls her way in through the gaps...

after a day on the pots around the Wolf Rock lighthouse which began yesterday morning in relatively calm conditions and ended in the early hours of this morning in half a gale of wind...

plenty of fish in the market this morning...

including a huge shot of haddock form the under 10m trawler Harvest Reaper - an indication of just how much haddock is on the grounds these days - 

twenty years ago this amount of haddock would have been what a boat of this size and working inshore would have caught in an entire year!...

all the usual suspects were on the market this morning, so plenty of megrims from the beamers...

some of the boats hit on a few bass...

while the punts took some big hauls of mackerel out of the sea over the weekend...

all of which kept the buyers busy as market prices stay high owing to a general shortage of fish around the UK ports...

although if the truth be known prices for hake...

 are not much different to what  they were on a strong market back in the late 1980s!

the Harriet's bigger sistership Intuition also gets her fish ashore after a weekend at sea...

more like a big fat mackerel...

fish are stacked five high at least to save floor space this morning...

while a ;late landing of grey mullet from down Cadgwith cove should make good money for the Christmas restaurant trade...

sure signs there is a strong southerly draft running through the market this morning...

as the huge 38m Belgian beam trawler Stephanie lands her fish...

 which will be overlanded back to Zeebrugge for tomorrow morning's market...

while on the other side of the quay the  Cornishman is landed by Roger who still manages a smile despite the inclement weather this morning...

along the prom there are no sign of skaters on the windswept-spray-sodden Wherrytown Plaza... 

as the prom gets a good soaking.