
Monday 21 December 2015

Final Monday market in Newlyn.

With one day to go before the final auction on Newlyn's fish market there is plenty of fish for the buyers to choose from as, despite the weather, the weekend saw fish landed from beam trawlers, gill netters, inshore trawlers, handliners and inshore boats...

with the unsettled weather the chances are there will be precious little fish caught over the holiday break so the buyers will have to second guess what they need - not so easy...

big meaty monk tails like these from the New Harmony are always a big favourite with the buyers...

while the haddocks for the beam trawler Lisa Jacqueline are going to be one of the major species for problems with the new Landing Obligation regulations when they come into force on January 1st - the bad news from Brussels last week was that in some areas they will not be phased in as expected - 

not only are there big changes at sea, closer to home the harbour will be introducing strict new hygiene regulations for all those working or even visiting the market when the fish auction is in progress...

for visitors and others visiting on spec the harbour will have a limited supply of suitable clothing to loan out...

just some of the pollack form the Berlewen...

which helped all but fill the western end of the market, traditionally where fish from the net boats is laid out for sale...

for the first time in years the entire Nowell's fleet will be in port over the break, the Elisabeth, Karen and Louisa N.