
Wednesday 25 November 2015

Fishing ports like Newlyn never stop - last night the Twilight III has a scrub-down on the slip...

while the Intuition with cap'n Nudd Jnr at the helm makes a landing...

of brown crab...

to a waiting vivier lorry...

by the fish market...

while on a bust mid-week market this morning there is a good mix of quality fish like these lovely lemons...

gorgeous gurnards...

prime plaice...

and, unusually, a box of Dover sole cousins the sand sole...

and some very sandy scallops...

cuttlefish fishing means that some fish get lagged in sepia ink...

while the mackerel shine brightly...

these turbot make premium money this morning....

but it is the black gold that makes up the bulk of the beamer trips by weight...

while netters like the Ajax put ashore big trips of hake...

and the odd JD thrown in for good measure...

as the dawn breaks the fish are taken away...

to be loaded on to the waiting transport in the lorry park...

while a few of the boats get crew arriving down the quay...

like this visiting Falmouth scalloper Golden promise...

there's only Joy missing here...

the dawn looks a little showery in the strong NW breeze...

even the Crystal Sea II has taken the night off...

while the crabbers...

wait their turn to sale...

it promises to be a fresh day out there...

which will mean Tom will have to be extra vigilant.