
Monday 26 October 2015

They had it covered on Monday in Newlyn!

Looks like someone ran out of chalk...

along with some top quality inshore fish this morning the mareket on Newlyn was packed with...

a big trip of monk tails for the big beam trawler Cornishman...

a few boxes of big plaice from the Sapphire II...

plenty of pollack from the Ajax...

a few boxes of the ever-present ray...

and some monster cod...

with their huge jaws that so love to feed close to the bottom on shellfish - when cod are caught anywhere near langoustine grounds their stomach contents are pink!...

name the tail that this fish belongs to...

it's great to see fish fans of the future prepared to wake up at 5am just to see the fish market in action for the first time - and what a market to see, full of fish from end-to-end...

these guys, scyliorhinus canicula will end up languishing in a crab pot some time this week...

that's ten greater weavers in a box, though these guys are much less likely to cause some unsuspecting bather pain as they seldom come close inshore and lay half buried in the shallow waters of the local beaches like their much smaller cousin the lesser weaver...

bagged and ready to go - chefs, give these monk livers a go - they make superbly sweet paté...

of course big bass are what some of the boats chase at this time of year... 

while the 'C' word is responsible for the market floor looking the way it does this morning...

hake from the netters Ajax, Govenek of Ladram and Britannia V helped keep the buyers busy though the price took a tumble...

as the fish fell under Ian the auctioneer's virtual hammer...

and with all the early morning auction action a dozen or so first year Press and Editorial Photography students had plenty to shoot using a variety of angles to capture the fish auction in full flow...

though this is the first time the White Crane technique has been seen in action...

bigger bass...

and despite the early hour it's smiles all round from senior lecturer Mal Stone and his budding photojournos...

though they might have missed this grisly story being acted out by the Wherry Town Plaza skatepark...

under heavy skies...

as a few seas in the strong sou'easterly breeze pounds the prom.