
Monday 12 October 2015

Race day at Falmouth Oyster Festival 2015.

Click on the image to enjoy a selection of photos from the final day of this year's Falmouth Oyster Festival. More @FalOysterFest.

For anyone with a real passion for keeping this tradition alive there is a chance to buy a share or even own outright one of these classic sailing workboats!


Identified by the plain white topsail and the number 6.

To the Manacles and back for a fishing trip on Endeavour, Circa1958 

After 32 years I would like to sell Endeavour. I have had some interest but that is out of port. In an effort to keep her in the port I would be grateful to hear from interested parties who would consider forming a syndicate. She has had considerable work carried out over the last few years including, new stem, transom, keel bolts and 60 plus fastenings. She is one of the prettiest boats afloat with a fine turn of speed and needs to be used much more than I have over the last few years. 

If interested parties could contact me by email ( or on 07836359621 I would be very grateful.