
Sunday 27 September 2015

The Great Cornish Food Festival!

The twin spires of Truro...

play host to three days of Cornish food lovers' delight this weekend...

 as tens of thousands flock to where the big man...

 overlooks the main marquee as the stage is set...

all set for the likes of fish-queen Annie Siebert to demonstrate her piscine prowess...

and discover all there is in the Discovery corner...

amidst a sea salt...

of Cornish Blue...

celebrating all tat is good from local producers...

from cheese...

to three days of cheffery...

tasting dishes...

with a few regulars like the Seafood and Eat It girls...


chefs like Jack Stein talking about yet another one that got away...

to a packed demo stage...

along with the oldest pasty makers in the world...

and young chefs like 21 year old Dan Ballett from the Falmouth Seafood Cafe...

spicing up his...

tasty red mullet dish...

to accompany all that fantastic local fayre.