
Sunday 20 September 2015

Saturday sailing for some

Coming hard astern...

there's never a shortage of running water on the decks of a fishing boat...

almost time for the Ajax  to sail...

while fishing TV's latest star of The Catch, Govenek of Ladram takes ice...

a good day to be out on the water...

as Rescue 192 makes a flypast over Newlyn, a sight that will soon be part of history as RNAS Culdrose hand over SAR duties to Bristows and a new fleet of rescue helicopters comes into service...

two men and a boat head for open water...

followed by the Ajax away on the second half of her trip...

nice enough for an end of season sail...

something to show for a morning's work on the pots...

another one for the DecklyFish pot...

all in a night's work for the RNLI, always there to pick up the pieces of somebody's life...

though this year the ILB boys are lagging behind in the action dept!