
Saturday 5 September 2015

Fish in oil

Newcomer to the Fish Festival this year was Cadgwith based artist Simon Bradley who works from his Porthole Studio just up from the Cove.  He was moved to pen a few words back to the festival organisers in appreciation of being involved in what proved to be a great day for all converned! look out for Simon at next year's fish-fest or maybe make that trip down the Lizard to Cadgwith and speak to the man himself!

"May I firstly say thank you for enabling us to be part of such a Fabulous Festival of Fishy-ness. Stewards, Staff, Stall-holders, Entertainers, and Public alike .... everyone smiled - it was simply a superb event.

 It was a particular personal pleasure for me for the Skipper of Ajax (Alan) to be bowled over by my oil based impression of one of his mighty fine Hake ... from his first week of MSC Certification. Many others were so thrilled to see Newlyn Fish celebrated & documented by my detailed oil impressions & pen & ink work.

For Luke (ex-fisherman) I think the greatest pleasure was in meeting past colleagues & contacts and in showing & explaining his traditional & original work direct. I view his work as little understood & in need of exposure before traditional methods are lost to time.

My (Newlyn) sole regret was that it was so busy so constantly that I was unable to take time out to print fish. I brought all of my print gear with me (child friendly safe wash materials rather than my oils !!!) ... but every time I though - brilliant a lull I can print ... we got another fish-flurry. I gladly took time though to explain my fish printing process to all - my methods certainly took a few by surprise!

A relief also for me to be able to direct especially families with youngsters around to Vicky from the Porthmeor Studio's to see traditional squid ink printing in action (that exhibition is open untill the end of the month)... several came back proudly showing their delightful impressions ! It was brilliant that she was there & able to do that through the day... In many ways this took a personal pressure off me and enabled me to concentrate on giving the very best service & explanations to all."
Look out for Simon and Luke at next year's festival!

Examples of Simon's work includes linocuts...

direct oil printing and drawing...

oil printing from fish - including details like the vessel that caught the fish...

and an idea of the techniques used...

like this megrim sole from one of Stevenson's beam trawlers.