
Thursday 13 August 2015

Archive footage of Mousehole fishermen in the 1940s.

It would be great to see how many people could be identified in this video! Maybe the original Asthore is in one of the clips?

Rocky coast lines, waves splashing against the rocks. Aerial shot of the rocky coast line. Aerial shot of a very small coastal village. On the beach, men attending to fishing boats. Fishing boats lined up, Moored on beach. A larger coastal fishing village, with a more pronounced harbour, Mousehole in Cornwall. A map of the coastal village, emphasising the significance of a 'harbour'. The same coastal fishing village, but from a different perspective. A small cottage, one man leaves while two men are about to enter a man leaving another cottage. A man walking down old cobble steps, while an walks up the steps. The harbour. Another man leaving his cottage. He walks down a small cobbled street, and turns into a small doorway. Inside a basement of some sort, the fisherman picks up a large crab pot and leaves the basement. Out side the fisherman and his crab pot walks down the harbour. The fishermen walking down to the harbour steps, about to board his small wooden fishing boat. The boat on the water, hoisting the sails, about to leave the harbour.

Outside a small white house, a women appears to be brushing a small rug, a young girl leaves the house with a satchel in her hand. The girl with the satchel runs up to the school, closing the school gate behind her. A quaint village church. Stained glass window of (I think) Jesus and some fishermen. At the harbour, four men and a young boy are sorting out fishing nets. Close up of fishing nets being pulled out of a boat and on to the harbour for drying. A large harbour wall with the fishing nets hung over it to dry. Men placing nets over the wall. The nets hanging from the wall. A young boy with a cigarette in his mouth is sorting out the fishing nets at the bottom of the harbour wall, so they don't get caught. 'while the men are hanging out the nets, their wives are hanging out the washing, a woman's work id never done'. A woman hanging out washing to dry, near the harbour. A woman leaving a shop with a full shopping bag, walking up cobbled streets. At the harbour front, a horse and cart go by as well as some fishermen. The women with her shopping walking through the town. She walks into another shop. A shopkeeper walks out of the shop and pucks up some carrots, close up f the carrots. A large gardening patch that reaches down to the sea. Map of the same coastal village, the map changes colour in regards to what is or isn't fertile land.

Three fishermen at sea. The fisherman pulling in his crab pot, puling out crabs from his pot. The fisherman still emptying is pot. Close up of hand in crab pot, placing the crabs in a basket in the boat. A woman looking out of a window, overlooking the harbour. The fisherman rowing back ion to the harbour. ' The fisherman has returned to the harbour and after a long row home, his wife knows he'll be ready for good meal'. Woman in the kitchen preparing the stove. Young girl with her satchel walking home form school along the harbour. The fisherman inside at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea.

The 'pilchard' fishermen leaving their cottage. The two men walk towards the harbour. The pilchard fishermen walking down the harbour steps to there boats. A man tying rope around a boat mast. A man putting his fishermen jumper on. A man going into the ships hull. A man untying the moored boat. The boat slowly leave the harbour. Two fisher boats leaving the harbour. Close up of boat leaving the harbour. The fisherman inside his house, still drinking his tea, looking out his window towards the harbour. Three boats a sea. Close up of boat moving along at sea. The sun setting at sea, boats are almost silhouettes against the sun. a silhouetted boat moving along the sea. A man hoisting up the sails. The boat with its sail up at sea. The men casting out there pilchard nets. Close up of nets. Men still casting out there nets. A circle with all the months of the year written around it, the circle is against a black background, in the middle of the circle are cartoon pictures of various fish, different months are highlighted and different fish appear in the circle, mackerel, pilchard, crabs, herring and flat fish all appear in the middle of he circle.

From the Huntley Film Archive.