
Friday 21 August 2015

A mizzly, misty, foggy #FishyFriday

Spot the new recruit for Cefas...

did he really pay that much for those bass...

you can't keep an old dog down...

name that fishy tail...

boxes of blondes...

boxes of bass...

not so many of these elusive chaps...

on a western end of the market devoid of net fish today...

Rome might not have been built in a day, but probably more quickly than this doorway...

the new recruit gets the lowdown on megs...

all set for another day on the pots for the Harriet-Eve...

while the flagship of the fleet gets her annual bottoms scrub out of the way...

and a full day's work ahead for the boys on the St Georges...

there's nearly as much rigging on a beam trawler...

as on the sailing ketch Irene...

proper fish handling gear...

it's not only Tom on watch this #FishyFriday morning...

in these weally wet westerly winds.