
Thursday 2 July 2015

Why join the Responsible Fishing Scheme?

The Responsible Fishing Scheme has been developed to raise standards in the catching sector, enabling those within the seafood supply chain to demonstrate their commitment to the responsible sourcing of seafood. The aim is that, over time, accreditation will become a condition of supply.

The independently audited scheme demonstrates that a vessel and its skipper are operating to best practice in 5 core areas:

(1) Safety, health and welfare
(2) Training and professional development
(3) The vessel and its mission
(4) Care of the catch
(5) Care for the environment

Established in 2006, the scheme is open to all types of fishing vessels and fisheries. The RFS was developed by Seafish to enable the skippers of RFS certified vessels to demonstrate their compliance with industry best practice and thus enable the supply chain to demonstrate its commitment to responsible sourcing by buying from such vessels.

More information on RFS: