
Tuesday 7 July 2015

Never mind Amarteur, it must be Armageddon!

It would appear that the end of the world is nigh - in a Breton port, spiritual if not literal home of the langoustine,  last week some boxes remained unsold on the market! What's going on? here is the Google translation of an article in the Breton press. 

"Friday morning, lobsters have not found a buyer in the auction of Loctudy. Angry call from the owner Stéphane Pochic who criticises the system.

This is the high season for Norway lobster. This year, the fishing is good. The downside,  crates 
of lobster have not found buyers on Friday morning in Loctudy. Stéphane Pochic,  Loctudiste amarteur, is angry. Especially since, for years, he fights with others for this Bigouden Port to continue to operate. "I'm sick of seeing noble ingredients like lobster, which require a lot of work from the garbage!