
Monday 13 July 2015

Monday morning, fish with sharp teeth on the market and some equally cutting sarcasm from the Star.

At anchor, the Trinity House buoyage service ship Galatea waits to sail this morning...

while there seems to have been the first case of minor vandalism at Wherry Town Plaza skate park...

just a timely reminder that not everyone is as honest as the day is long...

something for everyone, a good mix of beam trawl, trawl and net fish this Monday morning...

including a box of top quality cod...

and a few dozen scallops form the AA...

name the fish and the parts...

these guys are becoming increasingly rare on the market...

name the fish with the cold, cold stare......

first day for the netters to get their fish ashore this tide, so there's plenty of hake on the market...

and despite the lack of sunshine the red mullet have come out in force so it must be summer...

Ajax at rest...

the fresh breeze forecast will keep most of these guys in port today and maybe tomorrow...

while the AA has a few jobs to do on deck it seems...

one trawl back in action and looking good on the inshore trawler Still Waters...

both  crabbers and scallopers chase shellfish for a living...

but today might just be a little too fresh for the scallopers as in any kind of weather where the ground sea is too big the dredges get lifted off the bottom to much and don't fish well enough to make the time at sea pay......

one of the more modern scallopers has this conveyor belt fitted to help with handling the catch...

on the smaller boats four dredges aside doesn't quite warrant the same investment in additional machinery to go wrong...

the top floor of the old iceworks is now...

in pieces on the ground...

obviously Debbie in the Star Inn is as impressed with the summer as the rest of us!