
Monday 27 July 2015

Magnifique, it's Monday's morning market on Newlyn!

Wall-to-wall and end-to-end with fish this morning...

megrims, lemons, monks and soles stacked four high in places...

the Sapphire II had a big trip...

and some big cod...

and a huge John Dory...

Cefas getting down and dirty...

nice inshore trip from the Elisabeth Veronique...

with a good run of brill...

Newlyn Fish leads the silly walk this morning,  Mum's the word says auctioneer Ian...

the Govenek had a big shot of blackjacks...

turbot quite often have random patterns on their bellies... 

as usual,  Ajax hake is keeping an eye on things...

the slits in the body of the ray are so that melting ice water doesn't collect in them when they are in the fishroom...

calm enough in the harbour...

unusual to see the Crystal Sea II over the North Quay...

the classic West Country ketch, Irene s still in port...

 two shades of wheelhouse roof trim on the fleet...

yet more scallopers take shelter...

a selection of transom sterns on show, the Imogen II is looking good after her annual paint-up!