
Friday 17 July 2015

Fans of #FishyFriday

The Trinity service ship is at anchor now...

after steaming out of the English Channel down to Mount's Bay...

to service the Runnelestone Buoy which marks a reef south of Gwennap Head...

in quieter waters now...

the business of data gathering is in progress...

amidst a solid trip of monks, megs, Dovers and lemon soles from the Twilight, Sapphire II and other trawlers...

a single grey gurnard stands out amongst hie red cousins...

if it's #FishyFriday 's it's fish identification day, without the aid of colour today...

this nosey pair...

these guys are common on Sennen beach...

while these guys are bot so common these days...

no mistaking these hake for the Govenek of Ladram...

at last!, signs of summer in the shape of an abundance (relatively speaking)...

 of the elusive mackerel...

quite a few sharks in the frame...

these livers from which fish? make amazing fois gras...

a turbot with a desire to become the same both sides, both these fish are belly side up...

making her way to land to a lorry...

the boys on the foredeck get ready to throw a line ashore...

but someone has to get there quick to take it...

the guys on the St Georges are the lucky ones with their brand new washer, conveyor and automated gutting table...

while others have to contend with the more traditional wooden pound boards at deck height and an aluminium box to gut and wash the fish in...

not like the boys on the Twilight.