
Monday 22 June 2015

Tiz a mizzly Monday morning here in Newlyn.

Mark and his crew hit a purple Dory patch with their new rig...

while the MSC accredited hake netter Britannia V ...

filled the western end of the market with a good shot of hake...

and a big shot of ray should keep the local restaurants happy this week...

while the merchants in the market for turbot had 20 boxes to fight over...

some of Britannia's  hake keeping an eye on things...

heads or tails? - name this fish

whoever said it was a slower pace of life in the far west of Cornwall obviously;y hasn't been on the fish market at 6 am...

this fish will look stunning when served whole...

as will these reddest of red gurnards...

no chance of the overnight rain dampening spirits...

on the deck of the Cornishman there is plenty of jobs in store for the crew today...

while the marina leisure berths are full with passing trade...

back in port, Mr Gillespie has the huge scalloper Albion looking all ship-shape and Bristol fashion...

as does the beam trawler Karen...

the traditional look of the Britannia V, fit for a picture-postcard...

as yet more paint is applied to the new sardine boat...

Intuition and astern, Emma Louisetwo of the ports biggest crabber all set to land...

good to see the crab and lobster from boats in the Rowse fleet being served by local pubs like the Fountain Tavern in Penzance.