
Wednesday 24 June 2015

Newlyn's market full of fantastic inshore fish!

Moody mornings seem to be de rigeur of late...

but for those who wake up aboard a ship it's just like any other working day, though many will take time out for just a few moments and reflect just how lucky they are to be a part of such an incredible spectacle before starting their watch...

the fair has arrived in town for the Golowan Festival this weekend...

those JDs are sure to be on the menu this week...

and when it comes to fish looking stunning these redder then red red gurnards are just awesome...

many more mackerel made it ashore this week...

name that fish?...

just a few boats in port with work to be done...

nothing but the best inshore fish today...

from the inshore trawler fleet who are enjoying a finer spell of weather...

can anyone identify this piece of wrought iron work that was trawled up recently?...

loading the Rowse crab boat Intuition with new gear...

she's not the only boat with new gear aboard...

while it appears that the Still Waters has aged somewhat and lost her bite...

while the sardine boats are now counting the days down...

the scale of crab fishing is measured in pots by the hundred - and it self-regulates...

Still Waters on still waters all set to fish...

big yachts fill all the berths this morning a measure of the potential for developing the leisure side of the harbour...

though not all are as homely as this visitor from Germany...

with its knitted buff covers...

they obviously know the right festivals to visit...

and run a very tidy ship it seems...

wet fish counter staff from Tesco get the lowdown on the local fishing methods...

while the transport eases into the narrow back streets to top up the shelves in the Newlyn Coop...

now that the evenings are drawing in.