
Monday 1 June 2015

Monday morning's major landings in Newlyn - hake, monk, megrim, and tons of turbot.

Shine on you railings...

as the early morning light floods the fish market in Newlyn...

where this mornings market is bursting with the wide range of fish species that only Newlyn can boast...

like these top turbot from the netter Silver Dawn...

all keep the buyers keen and busy...

as head auctioneer Ian rattles off the bids...

on fish like these hake...

more turbot...


and a full market of beam trawl fish from both Newlyn and Brixham boats like the Kerrie Marie which was towed in by the Penlee lifeboat yesterday in the early hours...

with a good haul of John Dory...

and a big trip of Cornish megrim soles...

to keep the buyers busy...

along with a few 'git louster' ling...

and langoustine from the Trevessa IV working north of the Scillys...

she also managed to steal a few of Roger's JDs...

with hardly a breath of wind in the Bay...

the netter Ajax barely leaves a ripple as she makes her way...

to a berth near the fish market...

as there isn't enough water to come alongside...

the film crew will have to wait a little longer before they can disembark...

until a bow line is put aboard another boat...

skipper Alan keeps a close eye on the stern...

and Tom makes ready a fender...

next in @Through the Gaps is the Louisa N passing the big Scottish prawn trawler Maracestina...

who has put ashore both trawls for mending...

Sunday's tow job for the lifeboat at rest...

along with another Brixham beam trawler Lady Lou...

it's that time of year when the Cornish Sardine season gets underway so the nets are being readied for action...

aboard the Ajax there is always time for a cuppa...

as top hake picker-out Matt enjoys a joke with skipper Alan...

and one of the film crew working on the forthcoming ITV series that will focus on the lives of those whose livelihoods depend on what goes in and out @ThroughTheGaps..

evidence that the Spanish are still fishing with longlines in the Western Approaches...

away eastwards some heavy showers are dousing Marazion and the Mount...

the phantom stone balancer has been in action on Newlyn's beach again.