
Wednesday 17 June 2015

Md-week and Newlyn has plenty of inshore fish on the market and some visitors from the island of Sardinia.

Low cloud above the coastal path on the way to the fish market in Newlyn...

today's landing board...

inside the market Nathan de Rozarieux has a cheerful group of visiting Sardinian fishermen...

who have been marvelling at the size of the fish...

and the range of species on sale...

with some good landings of JDs from the inshore trawlers who are benefiting from a fine spell of weather in what is traditionally the worst month for them in terms of catch weight...

just a small selection of shellfish from a netter...

and a solitary but pristine red bream

amongst the turbot...

give the Sardinians something to talk about...

like these grey mullet...

these pots trawled up have been rolling around the sea bed for some time - many of the crab boats use different combinations of plastic in their pots to ID them should they get lost...

a brace of hake netters...

the Elisabeth Veronique has run off her bridles...

typical of today's fully equipped multi-purpose punts...

the all-singing-all-dancing new Shannon class lifeboat for Ilfracombe is in Newlyn if you fancy a look round...

it would appear that the Sardinians are less than impressed with the summer weather here in not-so-flaming June - coats wrapped round them with hoods up!...

trawlermen are always happy in their work...

even if it means stretching out the bridles and measuring them on the quay prior to taking on new warps...

Serene Dawn, the smallest of the newly accredited MSC hake boats

a lick of paint on the latest sardine boat...

a brace of MSC Cornish hake netters...

and another brace of MSC Cornish hake netters...

not quit as big as the Albion, the Rebecca T is another visiting scallop boat from Wales...

Tom cannot see so far today...

as low cloud persists in the Bay.