
Friday 15 May 2015

Newlyn's #FishyFriday feast of fish!

Christo has visited the area again - this time it's the turn of the Lloyd's Bank building to be wrapped...

there's no escaping the fishy themes in the area...

especially popular are fish dishes...

a dramatic re-creation of a scene repeated many times in her career, possibly with some artistic licence - the netter Ben My Chree entering Newlyn at night in a fresh breeze captured on canvas by local artist Richard Blowey...

plenty of fish for auction on #fishyFriday ...

keeping the buyers on their toes, well phones...

pristine line caught pollack...

turbot with an unusual coloured patch on the belly...

whole monk form the prawn trawler Shekinah...

and some big turbot form the netter Trevose...

with the weather near perfect the fleet are set to sail...

as the trawler Defiant and a netter head out form the gaps...

closely followed by Kevin on the Bess, one of the Dreckly boys...

with a stunning view form the office window...

and a fine day to look forward to...

must be a good day for a sail...

as the classic sailboat Alice heads out to open water...

for a day in the Bay...

the netter Trevose looking resplendent in blue...

on the day that the Blues lost a certain King of the Blues - BB King - The Thrill is Gone!