
Wednesday 13 May 2015

Mid week and John Dorys put in an appearance of sorts.

A brighter dawn...

for the ever-watchful Tom...

some views in Newlyn have remained largely unchanged for hundreds of years...

well worth a visit tonight...

it's all smiles on the deck of the Girl Pamela...

as she heads out through the gaps for a day on the pots...

leaving behind hera pretty much empty harbour save for a few boats between trips or in with mechanical problems...

every anchor picked up by the trawler fleet has a story to tell...

for sale, a full uncapped English fishing licence with shellfish, 2.24 tonnes and 16Kw, a good deal at £3,500 for anyone intent on investing in a small inshore boat - call Marcus on 07861391093...

the battle for top John Dory king is now underway, a few boxes form Tom on the Harvest Reaper...

and even more here...

while the JD man to beat looks lie it is still young Roger Nowell...

with others making just a few boxes to put ashore....

barely covering the bottom of the box, come on Nigel!...

the cod get the data treatment...

signs of a boat using trammel gear for turbot and monk, a few crab claws togo with the catch from the Karen of Ladram...

along with the hakes of course...

the painter painteth...

another view of the all but empty quay...

could be years ago when they were first built.