
Friday 29 May 2015

It's an inshore #FishyFriday for the finest freshest fish here in Newlyn!

The bowling green sprinkler has lost it's way today...

is it me or is stainless steel not so stainless these days...

the Excellent still makes a great subject for the artist...

a good cross-section of offshore and inshore boats today...

with top quality turbot in good numbers...

helping to fill the market floor...

there's even some bait for the crabbers to boot...

while one of the port's top inshore fishermen gets to grips with one of the great wonders of the ocean - the humble cuttlefish in their coat of many colours...

big boats catch big cod it seems...

while contradicting the rule book again, the inshore trawler Innisfallen has another good haul of Cornish megrim soles on the market...

all the more for Cefas to get data from - rumour has it that Cefas are short of Observers if you fancy a career change - ideal position for a graduating marine biologist or environmental science student with a passion for things marine...

great to see Craig from Stevensons enjoying another #FishyFriday on the market...

signs of summer showing...

whiter than white turbot on the belly side make top dollar...

while topsides blend in so well with the seabed they cannot be easily seen from above...

box after box of turbot - these days there are no visiting Danish or Grimsby turbot boats visiting the area though...

while the catches of monk remain consistent with the trammel netters working offshore...

two top fishermen chew the fat or whatever the piscine equivalent is...

MyGhal, all set to sail...

some are making a break for breakfast...

other seem to have more time on their hands

while others have the job of polishing the brass nameplate first thing in the morning...

For Sale, an 18ft Padstow Pilot Day boat - price TBA, contact on 07503767884.