
Wednesday 27 May 2015

Ahoy there!

Almost all the fish on the market this morning is top quality inshore fish form the smaller members of the loial fleet who enjoyed a good day's fishing yesterday as the sun shone...

still not around in any great numbers, these John Dory fetched top dollar prices...

and the Imogen III had a big (for an inshore trawler) of megrim soles normally found in quantity in deeper waters, young Roger must have ventured further afield than normal...

this turbot is in top condition - look at the full meaty body cross section...

while the Ajax put ashore a good run of hake...

to keep the buyers on their toes...

with many of the fish in the 2-3Kg grade...

and even more in the 4-5kg grade boxes...

some of the buyers reached for their phones to check on the latest price form other markets...

a sure sign one of the Scottish prawn boats put ashore their whitefish - these boats do not tail the monk like the local boats do...

another day,another day closer to the great Sardine kick-off...

which Baden might not notice while passing the few shops in the viallage...

new to Newlyn it's Becky Cornish's Cornish barber's shop the Cornish Barber...

for a close shave and to look good after a hard week at sea pop into the Cornish Barber opposite the fish market...

across the Bay the sun has yet to burn off the low-lying cloud...

while the Gry Maritha waits for her next sailing orders to the Scillys...

nearing completion, the Ygraine sports her brand new mizzen sail...

looking good from the sharp end...

the home of all good local pirates and ne'er do wells!