
Friday 17 April 2015

Ardglass trawler dragged backwards 'by submarine'

An Ardglass-based prawn trawler is back at port in Co Down after an incident in which crew claim that their vessel was dragged backwards by a submarine. The 60-foot wooden hulled Karen trawler was about 18 miles off the coast when its nets were snagged shortly after 4pm on Wednesday. The skipper said that they had to release their fishing and lifting gear to free themselves as they hurtled backwards at a speed of ten knots.

Skipper Paul Murphy told Down News: “Without warning, were were stopped and pulled backwards very violently at around ten knots which is the top speed of the vessel. I really thought that was it. It was fortunate that one of the steel ropes holding the net snapped or we would have been pulled under very quickly.