
Monday 30 March 2015

Monday's market in Newlyn

First light is back to being around 6am again...

and those JDs just love the summer sun around the Scillys which means at this time of year they are not so plentiful......

unlike the megrim soles which are one of the three top fish by value landed in Newlyn...

it's a busy time for Cefas on the market this morning...

these are red gurnards...

and these are a mix of red and grey gurnards

a good selection of hake from the Britannia V...

and a box of monster whitings...

outside the fish market morning has broken...

and the harbour is pretty full...

as the weekend was marred by a gale passing through the Western Approaches...

causing most of the boats to head for the safety of a berth alongside the quay...

with the rain not helping painting progress aboard the Chris Tacha...

a brace of Scilly boys waiting for weather...

while the port's next sardine netter in the making waits for the welder to arrive to complete the work on the huge aft net pound...

there's always scrap and rubbish being brought ashore to keep the Fishing for Litter project alive...

the Rowse crabbing trio wait for the next trip...

while looking Eastwards the St Piran will no doubt be out this week policing our shores...

round by the Tolcarne, Tom keeps an eye on the Bay...

as a few of the inshore boats make their way out of the gaps...

looking towards Penzance with the unmistakable St Mary's church clearly marked in the skyline...

there's a brief explanation for the memorial for the benefit of visitors to the port...

as Tom keeps his hand on the heaving line...

looking over the Bay...

as yet another cloud formation looms away in the distance...

and a south-bound airliner passes overhead...

there are at least 50 shades of grey this morning, and a touch of pink in the sky...

away out in the Bay the 1000ft long bulk carrier Obelix is still at anchor...

while parked up neatly are nearly a hundred brand new vehicles for the DCH group.