
Monday 2 March 2015

Monday's fish market is full of fish!

Not so you would know from the arrivals and departures board...

but there were over 400 boxes of fish on the market this morning...

including the fish that the MMO have deemed to be in short supply in some areas...

from the Billy Rowney...

members of the shark family......

 share similar noses it seems...

this big bass seems to have had a bellyful just before being caught - or maybe he helped himself in thew cod end...

one long lingering ling...

and the reddest of red gurnard...

but which fish by contrast is this?...

thew only way to eat fresh scallops, just like an oyster, straight out of the shell alive and wriggling...

those heavy clouds look ominous...

for those about to brave the outside...

the beamers are back in the black...

as the cuttle season seems to be extending itself this year...

the new kid on the block has made her second landing...

keeping the merchants busy this morning...

and the Cefas team on data work...

outside the mornings are showing signs of light in the sky not long after the market starts at 6am...

while the big crabbers wait for their crews to muster...

the poor weather will keep all the inshore boats in port today...

as a heavy hail shower passes overhead...

the port could be anywhere inside the Arctic Circle...

there will be plenty of St Piran's flags flying on Thursday...

away across the Bay the heavy hail showers continue...

three of the ports sardine boats are berthed together...

like the crabbers...

in the chilly March air...

Tom has only a flock of gulls for company at the moment...

as the sun tries to break through the low cloud away over the Lizard.