
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Another Spring-like morning greets the Bay

Work to replace the handrail causes the prom to be shut off from the public still...

the lights having survived a winter almost free from severe storms...

away across te Bay in Newlyn the Tranquility heads out through the gaps...

past the Mount...

to steam south on her way to the fishing grounds...

it's not just the boats going south...

on the fish market there's always...

coming alongside to take on gear...

done and dusted by five past six with all of fifteen boxes on the market this morning...

the grading machine waits for another day...

as the sun finally shows its face...

looks like a good day for painting the crabber Chris Tacha...

and anyone else planning on being at sea...

on the fourth day of Spring...

the morning sun highlights the original names of some of the boats in the fleet like the visiting Dutch beamer Calypso...

and the Louisa N...

while the ex-Concarneau trawler turned giller netter still boasts her crest...

ahead of the patriotic Karen of Ladram...

with her more simple Cornish cross on her bow...

no need for the big wagon to haul FalFish's auction purchases this morning...

a few more hours and the quay will be empty again...

and give Tom something to look after.