
Tuesday 17 February 2015

University of Exeter geographers on the market

All in a good cause for the Mission...

away with the tide and out with the pressure washer, it's the time of year when the guys get to scrub their hulls below the waterline...

not a breath this morning...

but not quite Spring yet with a cod chill in the air...

keeps the birds on the move...

as the sun fills the sky...

the market is busy enough...

at first light...

two hands are better than one as the Karen of Ladram's second landing of hake are sold...

while Geography students - some of whom are more likely to end up working for NGOs like Greenpeace or the WWF than in the fishing industry get the story of fishing from the CFPO's Andy Wheeler...

it's smiles all round with Anna and the Dreckly boys...

mind your back Edwin...

the William gets in another shot of JDs - leave some for Roger!...

good market this morning...

as a new moon just breaks the cloud line at dawn.