
Thursday 12 February 2015

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Proposals for UK Programme of Measures

Defra, the Northern Ireland executive, the Scottish government and the Welsh government are seeking views on the UK’s proposed programme of measures to maintain or achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in their seas by 2020.

The consultation covers programme of measures proposals for each of the 11 Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) descriptors. These relate to biological diversity, non-indigenous species, commercially exploited fish and shellfish, food webs, human-induced eutrophication, seafloor integrity, hydrographical conditions, contaminants, contaminants in fish and other seafood, marine litter and introduction of energy (including underwater noise).

Our target audiences are groups or individuals who use the sea for whatever purpose, or have an interest in it, business users of the sea, national and local interest groups, and governments in other EU member states.

Given the strong links between implementation of MSFD and other policy areas, interested parties may also wish to respond to the following related consultations:
- the implementation of the demersal landing obligation (
- the second tranche of Marine Conservation Zones (
These proposals will contribute towards achieving Good Environmental Status in our seas under the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
How to respond:
Consultees can respond using the online survey (please see below).
Alternatively written responses can be submitted to:
Marine Strategy Framework Directive Implementation team
Area 8B Millbank
Nobel House
17 Smith Square

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