
Friday 13 February 2015

It might be Friday the 13th but it's #FishyFriday!

Blood red gill - just what they should be for the freshest of fish...

which fish?...

a load of pollack from the Britannia V...

it's that time of year when roe on toast makes  great Sunday afternoon treat...

big blondes grace the market floor...

while the western end of the market is awash with big hake...

cuttlefish still make a good showing for some of the beamers...

around 200Kg a tub...

black is the new Sapphire...

amongst a sea of green...

with plenty of boxes...

still to sort...

mackerel are back on the menu...

of the grading machine...

hunt the otolith...

in this morning's heavy shower it looks like the guttering could do with some attention...

some sort of alien invasion...

with sou'westerly gales forecast will the crabbers get to sea today...

not just fishing for fish.