
Wednesday 18 February 2015

Herring for breakfast anyone?

Done and dusted by 7am...

there's still a few late season herring in the Bay for all those mum's who just love their oily fish - 10 minutes under a fierce grill, a dash of lemon and some mayo...

just hake from the Ajax this morning...

looks like a few hours work on swapping over nets to be repaired on the Govenek...

nothing pretty about the sterns of boats these days - but the guys are now provided with much more comfortable and functional working space as a result #progress ...

clearing the fishroom of ice...

while the sun begins to make its presence felt...

that's another auction over and done with for Wiffer...

good to see H&S being taken seriously while the office gets painted...

for Paul...

as Tom keeps watch on the rest of the fleet.