
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Gap2 LIVE fishing conference from Barcelona

Interested in participatory research and sustainability in fisheries, yet couldn’t attend the GAP2 International Symposium? Have no fear! GAP2 will be live streaming portions of the Symposium via Bambuser. View GAP2′s Bambuser channel here. To set up an account and follow GAP2, please click here.

If you are interested in following our panel sessions and workshops live, please click on the video below. 

Have a look at our English and Spanish agendas to see what time the sessions you are interested in are being streamed.

Livecasts start today at 8am, then again tomorrow and Thursday.

Remember – you will be able to use this app to submit questions during panel sessions, which we aim to share with the audience in Barcelona.

Watch live and ask questions of the speakers.

Viewers can post questions to the conference floor via the chat facility.

You can chat live and post direct to Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

If you can't see the chat box try Chrome not IE.

Or use Twitter to ask a question using the hashtags below.

Follow the GAP2 International Symposium 24 - 26 Feb here and on Twitter: @GAP2_Project / #GAPIS / #GAP2simposio

There will be a Google hangout at times during the day - stay posted for details.

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